Examples of News/Reporting
(Source: http://www.grs-trzic.si/novice.php?pid=505)
An example of a News/Reporting that does not report on a concrete event
An example of News/Reporting that could be wrongly annotated as Invitation
This instance should be annotated as News/Reporting and not Invitation, because it solely reports that an event is going to happen, it does not explicitly invite the readers to attend - it does not address the readers, it is objective and it does not seem that the author of the text is the organiser of the event.
(Source: http://www.radiocelje.si/novica.php?id=13007&m=11&l=2010)
(Source: https://vijesti.hrt.hr/svijet/ministar-grlic-radman-u-posjetu-rusiji-4796527)