Opinion/Argumentation versus Opinionated News and News/Reporting

If a text reports on an event but does not have a typical form of a news article, it can be hard to decide between Opinion/Argumentation, News/Reporting and Opinionated News, especially if the text is written in the 1st person.

You can help yourself with the following criteria:

  • if the author describes his/her personal experience (what happened, how it was for him/her) and the text does not have a typical structure of a news article, i.e., it seems unlikely that the text would be published in a newspaper or in a website of an organization –> Opinion/Argumentation
  • if the author describes his/her personal experience in a form of a news article, i.e., this text could be published in a newspaper or as a news on a website of an organisation –> Opinionated News (if the text is subjective) or News/Reporting (if the text is objective)

Examples of Opinion/Argumentation instances

(Source: http://www.os-tabor1.si/index.php?limitstart=312)

(Source: http://astronomija.zlahkoto.si/?q=node&page=6)

(Source: http://srce-me-povezuje.si/?t=fotogalerija&id=16478&page=4)

(Source: http://zupnija-ihan.rkc.si/index.php/content/display/106)

Examples of News/Reporting instances

(Source: http://astronomija.zlahkoto.si/?q=node&page=6)

(Source: http://www.soncek-maribor.si/component/content/article/1-zadnje-novice/320-dan-mobilnosti-invalidov.html?tmpl=component&print=1&page=)

(Source: http://www.volkovi.si/sl/arhiv?start=60)

(Source: https://www.policija.si/index.php/novinarsko-sredie/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=73459)