Promotion of a Product versus Promotion of Services
If the text promotes something, but you are not sure whether this is a Promotion of a Product or Promotion of services, you can help yourself with the following criteria:
- What is being promoted?
- a company, organisation and its services -> Promotion of Services
- anything that can be viewed as a product of the company - a thing, a movie, an application, a tool, or an accommodation, housing, a massage, a therapy sessions, food etc. –> Promotion of a Product
If the text promotes a specific service/product, it is a Promotion of a Product; if it promotes the company and all that it offers, it is a Promotion of Services.
- In which person is the text written?
- as the Promotion of Services presents the company and its services, the texts are often written in the 1st person (“we offer”)
- Promotion of a Product is mostly written in the 3rd person (“it is”)
- Common expressions:
- Promotion of Services often contains words/expressions, connected with a description of what the company can offer its customers. These expressions are connected with:
a) the company’s staff (specialists, partners, professionals) b) the quality of its services (experience, needs, wishes, solutions, benefits, flexible, inovative, efficient, professional; Slovene: izkušnje, potrebe, želje, rešitve, koristi, fleksibilnost, inovativnost, učinkovitost, strokovnost, po vaši meri, celosten, konkurenčen, hitro, natančno, profesionalno) c) offering the services (help, assist, offer, take care of; Slovene: pomagati, izvajati, svetovati, ponujati, zagotavljati, obvladati)
The following instance is a Promotion of a Product and not Promotion of Services, because the text describes the massage, as an offer, it does not present the company behind it.
If you are still unsure, you can annotate the text as Promotion.